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เปิดเว็บไซต์ 05/07/2014
ปรับปรุง 16/08/2014
สถิติผู้เข้าชม 83,515
Page Views 101,808
สินค้าทั้งหมด 2

Korea has almost 90 percent of its smartphones.the best ever

(อ่าน 441/ ตอบ 0)


As South Korea's Smartphone possession rate is approaching 90% of South Korean people, it is the biggest ever.

According to the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) on Sunday, 89.4 percent of 7,234 men and women aged 13 and over last year had smartphones, up 2.3 percentage points from 87.1 7mscore

  percent in the previous year.

The ratio of South Koreans to smartphones stayed at 57.5 percent in 2012, but the number continues to rise to 68.8 percent in 2013, 77.0 percent in 2014, 78.8 percent in 2015, and 83.3 percent in 2016. 

In particular, the market share of smartphones in 60s was 80.3 percent, exceeding 80 percent for the first time. Last year, 73.6 percent.

For the first time, 90.7 percent of people in their 50s or older used smartphones for more than five days a week, beating TVs (89.2 percent).

The number of people who use smartphones with the highest frequency was 96.9 percent in their 20s.

96.6 percent of those in their 30s followed, followed by 96.3 percent in their 40s, 96.0 percent in their teens, 67.6 percent in their 60s, and 27.9 percent in their 70s or older. 

"The lower the age, the higher the frequency of use of smartphones," said a source from the commission.

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